If you have never used wikipedia you probably think its not very good on the basis its created and maintained in what sounds like a chaotic way.  Nothing could be more wrong. 

If you’ve ever used wikipedia you know its pretty good.  On alot of technical subjects for instance its a real time saver.  You can read technical writeups that really cut to the core quickly.  On several topics I’ve tried in the past to understand from other sources on the web only to be confused and reach the point of deciding to do things a different way only later to find an article in wikipedia that glides me through the problem.  

Thus when I read that China blocks wikipedia I realize so many things about governments and how useless and negative they are.  For the sake of their power they limit their people, culture and the business of their country.   The only reason why this nation is playing catch up with the USA is that the communists so damaged and held back this behemoth that our nation, only 1/3 the population ran rings around them.  China, while ascendent now, will find itself confronted with a choice in the future.  In order to rise above a certain level they are going to have to adopt certain immutable physical principles of information and thus society.  If they do not they will stall out.  The effect of wikipedia and that brand of informational flow is that powerful.

 With China its so easy to make this point about the net negative effects of government.  But why do people think we can wall ourselves away and not have the net negative effects of government affect us in the USA ?

Governments run on power and influence.  Thus they use alot of money.  There is no avoiding this.

What? did you really think it worked like your high school civics text described ? – Those are written by academics who need to try again.

…Thus socialist governments, who adore power, need more money to do so.  This is why the Republicans spend is out of control in the USA.  However no matter how much the ‘publicans spend the dem / lib socialists will spend even more!   All this spending is just misdirection and distortions of normal economic flow.  All this is very damaging.  We could run rings around ourselves should we ever choose not to do this.





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