When you look at the Hubbart peak oil graph is is tempting to read off the peak shown as is.  The problem with this is in years past we could have each year predicted peak oil following rapidly.  This is because oil is found on an ongoing basis.  It is essential we realize that while sooner or later we will be using other energy sources for now we need to maintain adequate supplies. The peak of the oil graph above shows usage peaking at about the year 2000 when it is all said and done the peak will be in the 2010+ years.

The problem with peak oil theorists is they keep saying that the peak is upon us.  The reality is the peak will most likely come when other sources of energy start taking over mainstream energy supplying role.  Thus the theorists will eventually be correct by accident !  Thus they will have never been correct. 

This analysis suggests we need to drill and drill now to avoid dollar collapse and service the demand until it starts naturally subsiding.

Categories: MathPoliticsScience


Peak Oil MonsterID Icon Peak Oil · June 12, 2010 at 1:43 pm

I understand that Hubberts peak is true and that we are now past the point of peak oil. I believe many of the current events have to do with this downturn and it won’t be long before the main stream media and population wake up and understand what is going on. For me and my family, we are preparing for the life after the crash.

Freemon SandleWould MonsterID Icon Freemon SandleWould · June 12, 2010 at 10:08 pm

any shortage of oil will be strictly man made. Witness the neurotics gone wild crying and gnashing their teeth offer the blowout gusher in the Gulf of Mexico. With oil seeps said to be occurring there I would posit that there is plenty of oil. Just too many effeminate americans.

……we’re in a depression in the USA because of these magical thinking liberals. You will know we are exiting the depression when people jump for joy over oil wealth instead of wailing like a gay whom just had the pacifier removed from his bum.

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