
Talk about far out space nuts!   MoveOn.org has pressured democrats in Nevada to boycott a debate over Fox news being involved.  Such is the nature of Stalinists that they must have it all their way with no dissagreement or dissent.

Watch out for these people.  Its the same mindset that has caused them to push a weather hoax to the point where reasonably serious people actually believe its happening.  If I told these same people a UFO had landed they’d think I was crazy but claim the weather is changing and they believe it.   Persistence is their only real strength as liberalism is the refuge of weak minds and weak backs…

…I guess they know their ideas are lame. Otherwise they would realize they have nothing to fear from Fox since their words would go out unfiltered by anyone…

…Fragile ideas are erroneous ones.  I’m just surprised to see how cognizant they are about their scams.  And I just thought they were stupid.  Turns out idea #2: that they’re sociopathic is closer to the truth.

Careful Soclibdems-These MoveOn UFO’s are fully equipped with the latest essential alien abduction technology.


 Better watch out for that MoveOn alien’s wah wah bar



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