Our wimpy candidates are quick to worry and try to do damage control regarding comments made by Ann Coulter about John Edwards yet its Howard Dean that should be apologizing.   He’s the one trying to have it both ways.  Consider the cases. 

Ann was having some fun teasing Edwards.  She made reference to his rather effeminate modes of moving and speaking.   Democrat humorists make all sorts of equally teasing jokes at republicans expense and if any complain they are considered bad sports.   Joking as it may be I’m curious to see what Edwards will do to counter as he is a bit frilly.  Rush Limbaugh has referred to him for quite some time as “The Breck Girl”.   In fact if you do a image search on google on “Breck Girl” you will see Edwards / Breck girl parody photos clog the top search result locations.  I think its safe to say a rip on Edwards masculinity is fair game for some parody.  I suggest he don a karate gee and break pine planks with karate chops at a photo op to counter the effeminate image problems. ( Don’t forget to pre-score the board with a cut half way through the board where he’ll land his blow cause this guy ain’t chopping anything with those girly hands without some help).   Originally I thought he could beat up the gay telle-tubby but there’s too much risk the tubby would kick his arse.


Really?  Be honest guys. Who IS the most lovely in this photo? Erin Grey is cute but Edwards helmut hair is hard to resist !



 Google Image search results of “Breck Girl

At this point I’ve not only proven the case that Ann Coulter has the right and duty to balance left wing comics humor with some humor of her own.   In fact I have added to the fire on this particular topic.

What about Howard Dean’s Comments?

How about his complaints about the “Faggot” comment? Howard Dean is part of a political party that claims to care about gays and protests we conservatives are all homey-o-phobic.  Yet he acts as though “Faggot” is a negative term.  Its not.  It merely is a term suggesting a mans sexuality is oriented towards other mean and not women.   This alone should not be considered a slur by Dean.

Thus Dean either thinks there is a negative connotation to being Gay or he thinks only Liberals should be allowed the luxury of parody.    Dean must think he’s still in the 1970’s either way you look at it. 

……..There is NO WAY we should give up the parody ground.  Insist on parity on parody.



1)  We conservatives are definitely not Homey-O-Phobic.  Homey was a work of genius.  Too bad Damon Wayans can’t be brave enough to admit he is a conservative now.  He has to give us that crap about “where he came from” after all where he came from is the USA. 


2) Most conservatives know that the Gay are born Gay.  We have nothing against them per se.  What we do have something against is liberal policies. All too often the Gays support this agenda.  But then they think like girls.  Women tend to vote liberal more than men.  Men tend to think more logically using rule based logic.  Liberals think they can make all sorts of exceptions to the rules at the governmental level.  Of course this is obviously erroneous.   All this said there is nothing more fun than teasing a politician like Edwards effectively regardless of method. 





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