Our of Iraq I keep reading about sundry enemies that are the reason why the nation state has not stood up on its own.  Firstly I dispute whether we know if they have stood up on their own. Or even if we know who it is that stands up. 

An article on the Debka report suggests: Washington Soon to Release Evidence of Hostile Iranian Activity in Iraq

I would suggest that if so this is yet another in a chain of what could be considered opportunistic infections.   In Iraqs ASSUMED current state there are most likely many people playing for position and advantage.

The way to fight this is not with guns or bullets.  We have to leave that to them at some point.  In fact its been suggested that a civil war will serve the function of weeding out the bad actors. 

A troop surge is not necessarily what we should be doing there.  What must be applied in Iraq are minimum energy principles to maximize results and minimize energy required.  This may sound like a description of an optimization criteria for a physical system.  Guess what ?  People are made of physical matter. They ARE physical systems.  With a few modifications physical principles can be used to great effect in the world of people.

Once the body Iraq has some native strength it will be able to fend off the opportunistic infections.  Its deadly serious that we accomplish this.   Right now the minimum energy pathways of careers in the Arab world is not a healthy one.  See Career Choices in IslamoFascism.   

I would hate to see us blow this job.  We’ve got alot to work with.  Kurds that are friendly and industrious.   Oil that is on the Kurds lands.  Seems like Kurdistan should be a Louisiana Cake Walk.

The Sunnis don’t have much oil under their land so its easier to starve them into a weakened state. This may or may not be a good idea. Historically these guys are the ambitious ones.  In reality you need these guys at some point.

The Shiites have alot of oil and have been held down a long time by Saddamn.  Seems like there should be some formula for releasing pent up market demand that is unstoppable.  This sort of energy can’t be controlled by US, the Iranians or anyone else.

Who knows?  Maybe all of this is already being done and the media is just blowing up a sand storm to sell stories.  At some point we have to pull our guys out of the job of policing the place.  That is a certainty that will come sooner or later.  

If we get a jump now we can set up the right situation.  Let the Kurds set up a semi-autonomous state.   Then encourage them to invite us in to form a military base in their area and give us a 99 year lease like Guantanamo.  Then we can set some reasonable yet minimized number of troops on the base.  We can let it be known any attack on Iraq is an attack on our guys.  Then its up to the Iraqis.  At the very minimum the Kurds will be successful.   This also serves the function to keep Iran boxed in.  We’ll need this sooner or later also.

The simple fact is any successful state over there is probably going to be a catalyst for change.   No one wants to live in bad circumstances.   Minimum energy dictates quite the opposite.



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