New Stuff
- TheAltWorld
- Unlimited Hangout – Whitney Webb
- SlaveLand Chronicles – Marc L furnished link
YouTube Greats – Banned or soon to be banned off Youtube
- Corbett Report
- Richie Allen
- Infowars > banned from youtube. The oppression is getting worse and it is by the people shouting about oppression. Liars.
- Alex ( Peattie and Taylor )
- MimiAndEunace – retired but retained because it is so good.
- – Satirical website. Oleg Atbashian. Before moving to the U.S. in 1994, Atbashian lived in Ukraine where he sometimes worked as a propaganda artist for the old Soviet Union, creating agitprop posters for the local Party Committee in a small town. During that time, Oleg says he "witnessed the transition of Republics of the Soviet Union from corrupt socialism to corrupt kleptocracy." His propaganda art spoofs of liberals is not to be missed.
- Ben Garrison
- WilliamBonzai Blog WilliamBonzai Flickr
Computer Security
- TheHackerNews
- SecureList
- Krebs on Security
- Schneider on Security
- Guccifer 2.0
- DCLeaks – Now defunct – leaks regarding various powerful people in the USA – predictably called out as Russian. Anything they do not like is Russian. Never mind Russia is more democratic than the USA now. The USA is now communist.
Crime / Fraud
- DeepCapture
- ROGUE COLUMNIST – based in Phoenix and worked in Cincinnati during 90s
Dictatorship of the United States of America
- Signs Of The Times
- The Intercept
- Information Clearing House
- The Strategic Culture Foundation
- – fight club. You will get deprogrammed there.
- ShadowStats
- ForeXKong
- Stealth of Nations – the off the books economy – He has 2 books: Stealth of Nations and Shadow City
- gCaptain – Shipping oriented – NeoCon – Ukraine supporting globalist.
- The Sounding Line
- What Really Happened – the source of the Youtube video: All Wars are Banker's Wars
Latin American – Brazil
- – Argentine with real world collapse experience
- – flying pomeranian in "Gay Bar"
- VIR – Very interesting reading
- JetHead
- Valor – Brazil economic "news" — put out by mainstream press so questionable.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- Moon Over Alabama
- Scott Adam's Blog – Dilbert Creator
- Yanis Varoufakis
- Robert Greene Blog – Author of the 48 laws of power. – One of the most requested books in American Prison libraries.
- James Delingpole
- Geek Politics – Guide to Writing for Geek Politics
- KilezMore – German Rapper
- TechBlitz
- gHacks Twitter: Martin Brinkmann
- DeepDotWeb – dark web reference for when you want to read about the spooky web – talked about dark web. Did not partake. Yet was taken down by the Feds.
- Joint Quantum Institute
- Robert X. Cringely
- CoinDesk
- CoinTelegraph
Business and Start Up
- Dr Dave's House of Fun
- Pete Weisskopf MySpace page Pete's restoration progress on his Pearson 367 boat
- Fight Smart Videos
- Robert the Inventor
Very Interesting Reading
Amity Schlaes no longer on DoomBerg. Removed.
Maxed Out Mama added. A real find it appears.
Ambrose Evans Pritchard link removed. Went behind paywall.
I never authorized the abridgement of my Natural Right to Self Protection.
I have carried concealed as the situation warrants, primarily when camping in the wilds (for months at a time) without problem and without permit. Three times I've encountered law enforcers who accepted that CC was appropriate in such situations, and allowed me to go about my business.
The Boot-Strap Expat
Brokeback Mountain is my favorite movie
Michael Barone removed.
Niles Gardner removed
Peter Schiff added.
ZeroHedge added.
Dailyreckoning removed.
Schneider on Security added
TheAutomaticEarth blog link added
David Stockman's contra corner added
MR Ducks blog added.
Steen Jacobsen behind a pay wall. Bubbye Steen. No more linky.
gHacks / Martin Brinkmann added
TheAutomaticEarth Has some interesting WordPress blog plugins / setups……..removed. Too much moralizing and pontification. Believes the global warming hype.
Niall Ferguson removed
ThinkPatriot removed. Wordy. Dubious practical usages of the information.
David Stockman's Contra corner deleted: went behind a paywall. TrumpStrategy deleted: site went dark.
Bill Burr sold out – removed added.
Oriental Review – defunk / removed
Removed – Acting man guy died. Others inactive
BrazilWire toes the Deep State's line. Removed
StalkerZone went out of biz. link removed.
Michael Pettis – China Financial Markets removed. No longer exists