
I am one true green buddha god.  Worship no other!

I was at my neighbor Tord’s house this evening for a barbeque.  He had a female Norwegian guest who was studying “political science”.  Quotes are put there because as you might suspect what these folks are taught seems to be anything but science. 

In an among all the misguided crap she spewed was an interesting nugget for its demonstrative qualities.  According to her the USA so abuses its resources that it is required to import fresh water from central america.  I’m highly skeptical that this is happening.  Simply put the business model simply does not work.  There is no way to make this profitable.  If its not profitable then indeed there is no market force pushing the price high enough to make it so.  Thus I must conclude its not happening.  However she was adament. 

Whether happening or not her conclusion was that the USA abuses its resources.  I think that her beliefs are simply a product of her natural anti-american attitude and a generous helping of reinforcement from similar thinking environmentalists-religion-followers.   Its easy to calculate the Europeans can’t be doing much better than we in the USA.  Given a set of technologies the efficiency of use factors are going to be largely the same. Its very hard to bend this sort of parameter very much. 

Later in the course of converstion at least she was self aware enough later to admit she does not believe in democracy.  In the course of the conversation she admitted it.   It baffles me where she thinks the almighty wisdom will come from that will guide societies.  Some all knowing white bearded environmental guru diety embodying a green buddha?

But think this she does.  You always knew the world is always one step away from disaster.  Now you know why. 

Largely these ideas emanate from developed euro-germanic based cultures.  Its like they just can not shake the influence of the paganistic nature worshipers of old.   And isn’t it odd that all the extreme self righteous cults such as nazism have emanated from there.


 National Socialism is ok as long as its in the name of The Green.  Their neurosis never goes away. It merely changes form and stated causes.

……And we Americans are the boogie man! 

Why can’t they all just meet up at Stonehenge and tell each other what they ought to be doing to placate the gods of nature?  Why must they always involve we normal people who lack their neurosis?   Because we are where the profit is.  We are the ones who must be coerced to pay.  They must whip themselves into a righteous frenzy in order they not feel the guilt of their authoritarian ways.   Thus they feel no pangs of conscience when they stampede the norms into Zeig Heil’ing to a new dictator in the form of an idea.  Isn’t it true that when their longings become strong enough finally a Green-Leader will appear to satiate their need for one.  And on they will go to increase their methods of coercion.  Socialism is always only a hop-skip-and-jump away from some very unkind acts toward our fellow man.   

They have no idea how square they are.  But there it is….they are the epitomy of un-cool.  That’s because stupid just ain’t cool no matter how you dress it up.



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