Want to process the social ideas such as political ideas, learn how to effectively seduce a woman or merely to be a good conversationalist ?  Social / emotional learning can be tough information to process.  You always need to look for the tool edge in the information.  The part of the information with the tool edge is that part that tends to be true-ish.  In other words can any of the information in a concept actually be used to usefully conclude/devine/understand anything else in real world situations?

 The part of the information that has no function is likely to be the part told to you merely to make the sale to you.  By sorting out tool information you will compress the content down to the useful part and allow you to eliminate a bunch of scattered nonsense information that is tossed in to convince and confuse.  By eliminating the chaf you make your future analysis more facile because there is less to guide you astray.

Also with social information you do not always know how the information was constructed but can many times speculate. This is akin to looking for the tooling marks on the tool ( where the man chipped the arrowhead to form the tool ).    If you study a more arcane bit of human behavior of a single person it can be difficult to know their personal motivation.  Looking for the tool edge lets you quickly test the validity of the idea with out knowing their personal processes.  You do this by finding the part of a situation or idea that can cut.

In order to do this sort of analysis you need to go to the part of you that is logical and without emotion in many instances.   Or maybe just the natively happy part of you that is not invested in any particular outcome. 


An example of this sort of analysis:   Give an opinion on political ideas?  ( meaning an actual idea like free health care )

1- Tool Edge Analysis:  most political ideas have very little utility in business.  Business is where you take everything you have done and learned as a human and try to package it up as economic point value to other humans. 

2- Tooling Mark Analysis:  Since an political idea is being promoted outside the economic point system ( economics / money ) it is obvious that the person is trying to avoid the economic point system altogether.  Thus any idea being promoted through the political point system its likely to only have value to the politician and not to you. ( unless you are a politician ). 

From these 2 salient points I conclude very little in the political arena is of true practical value. Free health care and other such ideas are more likely to be scams ( of use to the politician …..and not to you. )  For all political ideas seem to share these crucial 2 points.

If you disagree with me its time for you to go back and repeatedly use this sort of analysis on yourself until you find your underlying psychological basis for your NEED to believe an idea that is provably weak.


Its left for now for the student to use this method on the political idea of Man Made Global Warming.   Hint: To understand the true believers unravel the psychology in the tooling marks……as MMGW is an idea that is sharp as a golf ball.   Promulgators such as Al Gore through in verbally plausible ideas that do not withstand practical tests.



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