My neighbors here in Brazil are from Portugal, Norway and Sweden.  Tordy of Norway tells me that a majority of people under the age of 65 in Norway speak english.   Tommy says a similar thing about Sweden.  According to them their is alot of english on their televisions. 

Norway has a population with a grand total of 4 million people. Essentially one large city in the USA. In order for them to have a successful economy they must hook into a larger business economic complex.   Looking at the Pareto chart one can see the most efficient choice for this.  That of the USA.   Largest economy in the world.   Thus they like many other countries in the world have a defacto second language of English.  

I have already seen a language under seige.  I lived in Arizona and the Navaho language is under similar more advanced seige.   The entire nation numbers 300,000.  It is surrounded by english speaking populations on all sides.  Currently as I gather its a dying language.

The same thing is likely to occur to Swedish and Norwegian following this sort of logic. In a world that needs a glue language Sweden and Norway are effectively economically surrounded. 

I hope someone will very carefully save this languages to disk.  It took mankind a long time to develop such effective self contained systems for communication.  Then in the future when we can download languages into our brains in the same time it takes to download a song we can have all the languages of the world in our brains.  Then subsequently we can pick and choose all the most effective lingual constructs and structures to make a higher form language out of bits and pieces of them all.




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