What about that John McCain's Poor judgement? – do any of you really think the democrats would be pro amnesty
if hispanics were NOT coming to the USA and voting overwhelmingly republican?

 Now mind you I understand that the dynamism of a society is measured by
the ability to absorb new people and new ideas. I know this because of
spending quite a bit of time in southern Brazil.  I have even considered becoming an illegal alien there.
I  understand the impulses of the immigrant.

 I am not anti immigration. The problem isn't mexicans.  It is too many mexicans to the exclusion of all
other nationalities. I can testify to that from all the stories I have heard
in Brazil where people are loath to EVEN try to get a visa to ONLY VISIT the

John McCain  supported illegal immigration amnesty.  I would say that is unfair
the responsible people of the world who want to come to the USA legally and

The world is full of very intelligent / high brain power people who simply
are not the type of people who will comne here illegally. In todays world
we need more of these people and we need them to understand the immigration
process will not be an extremely protracted ordeal.  In many countries such
as Brazil these people are under severely under untilized and will only ever
reach full self actualization in the USA.

There is no logical reason why John McCain should have supported immigration amnesty other than
 he was only looking out for his senate seat …something we know he loves or
some monied constituent needs large pools of unskilled labor. 

This is why John McCain showed extreme lack of vision with his immigration
reform policy that was in the main targeted only for Mexicans. I suppose the
folks who wanted cheap manual labor pushed this.  Well that is not what we
need anymore. What we need is 21st century brain power and the more the better.
It demonstrates just one more reason why John McCain is behind the times and
catering to interests unseen.
In the end I do  not think I will know the real reason why he supported it and
that is what bugs me worst about this.  Washington is already an opaque pit
of snakes ready to bite you and suck the life out of you. Do we really need
this old fashioned way of doing things?

When America is transparent and operates on solid ethical basis as simple as
what you in your heart know fundamentally to be true ….that is when America
offers the most opportunity to its natives and to its immigrants. 

Thus I say to you to tell John McCain a big fat NO when he offers to serve
his unpTeenth term as Senator for you……..


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