QUESTION: Democrat Party is the Party of the Rich-Who Would Have Guessed?

ANSWER = Anyone with common sense.  Don’t have common sense?  Let me clarify the situation for you. 


Put 100 people in a room.  99 people get 100 dollars.  1 person gets 100,000 dollars.  Assume each person has the same levels of intelligence. 

Question:  Who has the economic power?  Who can afford to pay the money required to direct the actions of the other 99 people ? 

Answer:  If the guy with the 100,000.  Easy right? 

Observation:  If you have 100,000 dollars you can be king ? ….WRONG!  You only have power if YOU have money and the other people DO NOT!



Put 100 people in a room.  98 people get 100 dollars.  2 people get 100,000 dollars.  Assume each person has the same levels of intelligence. 

Question:  What are the relative levels of power in experiment #2 as contrasted with experiment #1.

Answer:  This is a little harder but still relatively easy.  Instead 1 person controlling 99 people, 2 people now control 49 people each.  Thus the ratio of the power is approximately  case1/case2= 99/49 = 2X.  Of course you can make the argument that the guy in experiment #1 is alot more powerful because he has a monopoly on power.  He can get his 99 minions to do much more drastic actions in contrast to the cheiftains of experiment #2.  This is because if Chief#1 asks something too outrageous then his serfs are likely to move to Chief#2.  However isn’t it likely that the chiefs watch each other and escalate behaviors to the limit. In the limit they group together into a defacto unitary chief that acts with one will.  In this case the power will be almost exactly divided by 2 again.



Put 100 people in a room.  100 people get 100,000 dollars.   Assume each person has the same levels of intelligence. 

Question:  Who has the economic power? 

Answer:   They are all equal. No one has an advantage over the other.

Observation:  If we all have the same amount of financial resources we all have equal power given equal intelligence levels. 


What can be concluded from experiment #3 is that if we are all rich then no one will have alot of power.  Thus a political party interested in maintaining the power of the rich should follow policies that discourage and prevent people from climbing the economic ladder.   The best way to do this is to have taxes that increase with increasing income.  Enter the liberals vaunted “PROGRESSIVE TAX RATE”.  Thus old family money like the Kennedy’s is made much more valuable.  New money has to climb a steeper hill to get to the level where power resides.  Old money fought against lower tax rates in times when it was more easy to cheat on your taxes and I guarantee you they cheated on their taxes.  Afterall cheating on your taxes is not only right, it is your patriotic duty. 

Now that you understand the reality of PROGRESSIVE TAX RATES you can laugh next time you hear the phrase.  Its a short 3 word joke because it does anything but act in the name of anyone progressing.  The rich think its progressive because what they call progress is maintaining power !!!  NOW THATS A GOOD ONE!!!  Real knee slapper….NOT.

So when you see that more rich people are democrats its not because democrats are smarter. No not at all.  Its that these people want to maintain and possibly increase their power.  There are 2 methods to increase your power.  1- increase how much money you have.  2- decrease the amount of money other people have.  This is identical to thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics  says that heat energy is only transferred if there is a DIFFERENCE in temperature.  In this case amount of money directly translates into temperature.  Imagine each person having a temperature corresponding to the amount of money in their ownership. 


Much as you may not want to hear it you are ensconsed in an economic Carnot cycle heat engine.  Your physical universe in essence controls the architecture of your society. In this engine control resides in the domain of least entropy.  That is in locations where collections of money are greatest.  The great masses of people without much money transfer their energy to the efforts and ideas of the people with large amounts of money.   You already knew this but did not know you knew it.  Have you heard the old saying “shit rolls down hill” ??   That’s a natural result of this entropic model.

When thought of physically you can see that its impossible to violate this model.  Whether by perfect capitalism or communism all is ensconsed in the physical reality of this economic heat engine.  In this light you can see that communism is merely a perverted form of capitalism and capitalism in its ideal form is what the naive think communism is!

So next time you vote, if you want bigger better democracy think entropy.  Fairness is not to be found in equality of money resources but in allowing free flow of capital and therefore maximizing entropic characteristics of the economic system.   Great campaign slogan.  Think it will get me elected ?



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