The mainstream media is not full of high minded saints.  Hopefully by now you know this. It is however educational to note the moves made by KOVR 13 in Sacremento to manufacture some controversy for the sake of web hits and TV ratings. Heres how it went:

1- LA Times et all call Barrack Obama a “Magic Negro”.  This is a term that is used to denote a black that is chosen to help assuage white guilt. 

2- Al Sharpton ( obviously alot of white southerner in his gene pool from his features ) starts whining about Barrack saying he’s not as authentic as Sharpton.

3- Rush Limbaugh plays Shanklin parody of LA Times / Sharpton.  The name of the song is BARRACK THE MAGIC NEGRO to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon.  On an additional note Limbaughs tones when speaking of Obama suggests he likes him on a personal level.  I do too.  He seems to be a charismatic character.  Nonetheless both Limbaugh and I won’t be voting for Barrack not because he is black but because he’s NOT Clarence Thomas.  Should you ever give me that choice you’ll see Limbaugh and I smoking the car tires on the way to go vote for Mr Thomas.

So what do the geniuses in TV news do with this story ?   Lightly portray Limbaugh as some sort of pot stirring bigot.  I assume alot of their calculation included the thinking that they would get alot of free press when Limbaugh responded.  They got their web traffic.  They probably will get some more viewership.  However in the long run its weak disingenuous efforts like this that are the source of why they loose marketshare day after day in the mainstream media.  

Incidents like this are so transparent it makes you wonder why you would ever even consider watching KOVR 13 in Sacremento or equally any other of the mainstream news outlets.  One can only assume the other efforts are similarly jaded with concerns that are not aligned with the propagation of the truth.


….THIS is how Limbaugh poked fun at Obama. The magic negro song was a parody of the LA Times, not Barrack. ( the blue text is a Maureen Dowd quote )



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