The current form of political parties is an old design.  A rapid summary follows:

  • Democrats.  This party buys votes.  It drops cash from helicopters.  The politicians of this party put power over the good of the country.  This is a natural dynamic of this party.  As presently constituted it is impossible to produce a statesman grade politician of the type Ronald Reagan was.  This can be concluded from observation and from deductive reasoning.
  • Republicans.  This party can be viewed as constituted of 2 components.  The first component is the powerful rich people who can not tolerate the lunacy and low grade ethics of the democrats who yet want to control certain social aspects of behavior.  The second more important component are people who are independent functioning citizens who want to be left alone.  They want low taxes and freedom.  I will call this component the libertarian class.

It is the libertarian component in all of us that makes the country run.  It is the libertarian in us that comes together willingly everyday to create wikipedia.  Wikipedia is an enormous power to be respected.  No corporation or government effort could ever match it in scope and scale.  The problem is as currently constituted our form of government favors democrats in its dynamic.  The economic attraction of the "free" gifts of government are always going to put the libertarian component at a disadvantage.   However the Democrats give away model is a highly inefficient market mechanism.  It provides little guiding signal to those who receive the government money.  It leaves the recipients the same after as before they received the economic signal.  The economic signal in this case is money.  In the past there was no way of improvingo on this model.   Communication was largely one direction.  Information flowed from politicians down through the 3 broadcast network subsidiaries of the government. (  ABC, CBS, NBC ).  This model is currently still in effect because nothing has yet replaced it.  However its getting very old and soon it must be replaced.  

What will it be replaced with ?   I can see a design that has potential to take over the place of the old model of our society.  To do so it must build anew the economic signalling system.   The libertarian impulse in us wants to be left alone by government.  However in this era government is growing at cancerous rates.  How can what appears to be an irresistable trend be reversed?  

Currently the dynamic is for the demogogic left to point to a group boogy man.  This boogy man without fail always has a large pile of cash.  They then politically bash this group on the head and take their money. Julius Caesar did this when he returned from Gaul.  When he returned from Gaul he took the lands of large land owners in order to pay for his rule.  Thus this method is at least 2000 years old.   The problem is that under the current system we have each man gets one vote. Yet if you managed to build a large company you may be taxed at the equivalent of hundreds of men.   If you are one of these men you are key to turning this situation around.  Imagine using internet social networking to increase the range of your economic signalling through out the society.   By doing so you could educate the signal receiver.  This must result in an increase in aggregate libertarian impulse residing in the populace.   Companies run by these methods will compare with the old market management style in the same way GPS smart bombs compare with old unguided iron bombs.   The impetus for good change under this metaphor is enormous.

Take Away Conclusion:  Currently our populace is living under an antiquated set of rules that regulate and signal participants in the economy.   If we are to remain free the active monied class must take it upon themselves to build social networks around themselves that help to educate and create others like them.  In this way even those who thought they were not interested in learning will become so.  After all what else is a market economy than an educational system that also allows us to eat?   Our society must do this if it is to remain free.  By aggressively educating and empowering participants in these social networks the business model of the Julius Caesar democrats can be broken.   This methodology would also break the country club exclusivity of business education and information.   In addition it offers an opportunity to Republicans who have opinions counter to the society to democratically influence others.  One example would be abortion.   There is no need to use social banning functions if you can influence others to the degree implicit in this model.  The social network model is more effective than any ban could ever be on a numbers basis.  Yet it can retain the libertarian components by avoiding the coercion of antique style governance.   To remain under the current economic signalling model will surely result in the death of our freedom.  America has always tended to be the most progressive and economically creative country on Earth and thus this can and must be realized in some form.



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