Reason Why Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns Were Singled Out for Destruction During the 2008 GFC Great Fcuking Crisis

Summary of Video Thesis During the 1998 Long Term Capital Management crisis the bailout was kept quiet but Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns griped about being involved.  Thus when the 2008 crisis hit they were purposely sacrificed to recapitalize JP Morgan Chase bank. Research Links Local Video BackUp:Gold-USD-and-Euro-Rob-Kirby-Bear-Stearns-Lehman.mp4 Transcript none of Read more…

Mining Discovery Investing

Interview with Willem Middelkoop is the founder and fund manager of the Commodity Discovery Fund in Amsterdam, Netherlands.  Topic summary:  How a photo journalist becomes a mining fund manager. The tell-tale signs of a great discovery, and how information leaks can help honest investors. How the process of writing books helps Read more…

USA Yield Curve Flattening

Banks take deposits which are by nature assumed to be short term and lend longer term at higher rates.  If the yield curve inverts there is no profit in this model and thus the banks stop lending.  Credit thus seizes up and a recession ensues.