Take a little starch and newspaper clippings add a little water.  Coathangers make shaping a form easier because they bend readily. Balloons make great forms for heads.  In the hands of an artist you can make a lifeless structural array look like a human face.  Why the artist in the photo was making an effigy of Simon Cowell is a question I’ll leave to the reader to answer.


      Paper Mache

When our antique media set about making their paper mache tigers Howard Dean and John McCain they neglected to fully understand the magnitude of the artist required to make these two roll.  I won’t even include the fact that the antique media is full of clods and fatheads, er well I just did. True to the metaphor here Dean and McCain burnt up after launch on re-entry into the atmosphere just as you would expect wire frame, starch and paper to do.

You see both of these fellows where media created characters.  Howard Dean was created by the media.  He was ghosted up by the media because he was the most anti-Bush character.   John McCain was ghosted up because he was the untimate Republican sell out.  The antique media would love nothing more than to see the party it dislikes turned irrelevant by virtue of being a watered down paper mache paste socialist – er I mean democrat party.

Thus with the system test that was Howard Dean:  He was media created and faded on first testing.  We could have predicted and indeed I did that John McCain would fade badly as he is now.  Of course the media blamed his failure on THE SCREAM but that’s merely excuse making to cover their confection.

Given McCains ego look to see him try something radical. He’s a fighter pilot, he will either be a hard jink to the left or right.  That won’t buy him much.  There is a golden bb with John’s name on it called reality. 

John if you are reading this here’s some advice:  Try something really unique – Give up the McCain Feingold approach to politics.  Incremental removal of our free speech rights is part of what got you half way to oblivion.  Take up the rabid capitalist / individualist approach.  

Between you me and the lamp post I can’t see this one happening.  Who ever came up with the idea of making tigers out of paper anyway?  Paper tigers, stuffed animals – You have to exhibit alot of imagination to breath life into the lifeless.  Our antique media lacks no fantasy factor all the while they are such poor artists.



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