Genetic code is reused in exactly the same manner human programmers reuse code.  Thus once some random string of genetic coding is found useful there is a process that preserves it from change.  That change is called survival.  If it is a random string with no purpose then it is swept from the system by error.  Error is death.  Thus if you sequence the human genome you can compare useful portions with those of widely separated animals such as mice and find almost identical code.

Gill Bejerano holds a BSc, summa cum laude, in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science, and a PhD in Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Twice recipient of the RECOMB best paper by a young scientist award, and a former Eshkol pre-doctoral Scholar and HHMI postdoc. As co-discoverer of ultraconserved elements, his research focuses on deciphering the function and evolution of the non-coding regions of the Human Genome. Gill is currently a postdoc with David Haussler at UC Santa Cruz, and in early 2007 he will join Stanford university as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Developmental Biology and the Department of Computer…


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