I have a friend that is a liberal and thinks like a liberal.  A long while back we had this discussion:

Andy: PBS is great we need to fund it through the government

Me: If PBS is so great we can defund it and people will contribute enough to keep it on the air

Andy: Nooo, we need to fund it otherwise it won’t exist.

Me: Oh well if we must fund it people must not think its that great

Andy: PBS is great

Me: Then why must we fund it governmentally.  As it stands now they have no reason to react to those who watch it.  Thus it probably isn’t that great.

Andy: PBS is great

Obviously Andy is a liberal kool aid drinker.  No critical thinking pathway to be found in any of his words. Just a faulty open toroid donut of bad logic.

What’s typical about liberals is that they just don’t ever seem to master using the tool of logic.  Their mastery is limited to the minimum logic it takes to self rationalize forcing everyone to do and support what they want.  Thus to this day my tax dollars support a propaganda organ of the government called PBS and NPR-Public Radio.  These are the saddest of comment about our so called “free society”.   When I watch / listen to either of these I hear the same sort of party line that you used to hear out of Radio Moscow.  If only told NPR/ PBS were publicly funded by congress voting for the bucks I could safely deduce PBS / NPR would be party hacks even before listening.  After listening one realizes its worse than predicted from the funding dynamic !

While its obvious that PBS is run by lefty liberal / dem party / socialist / communists ( all the same thing in reality ) we now see evidence of blatant censoring coming to light.  A documentary about moderate islamic peoples being targeted by radical islamic elements has been rejected for airing.  The documentary was originally funded by PBS and then subsequently eliminated from the crossroads series.  Arty Exerpt below:

Martyn Burke says that the Public Broadcasting Service and project managers at station WETA in Washington, D.C., excluded his documentary, Islam vs. Islamists, from the series America at a Crossroads after he refused to fire two co-producers affiliated with a conservative think tank.

Entire arty here.

A second arty with more details here.

Axiom:   Everyone has a bias and it creeps into everything written and filmed.  Nothing is objective. Its a mathematical impossibility.   Learn this lesson to be an effective thinker.  Its one of the only truly objective thoughts in a human head.

After reading the article linked above I can only conclude that the left and PBS find the radical islamic cause one they are attempting to harness as a way of destroying the current order of the world.  The liberal / dem party / socialist / communist types have always pushed in the direction of chaos because its with chaos they can insert their changes into society at large.  The cost in damage to peoples lives is immense but their egos are such they can self justify it.  I find them morally reprehensible.   They will do and say anything for power.  Not a partner I’d have in a business deal. 

For this reason I urgently suggest to you that you should never donate money to either PBS or NPR. 

PBS can prove they are fair to opposing points of view and committed to allowing the full range of human thought be expressed.  A good start towards doing this would be airing Islam vs. Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Center   and The Great Global Warming Swindle.   These are 2 programs that very definitely disagree with their point of view.  If their ideas are strong enough they will weather the showing of these.  If their ideas are weak they will not.  I suspect they know their ideas are weak or they would not be so resistant.


1 Comment

PBS Global Warming Venn Diagram » A MarketPlace of Ideas · March 6, 2008 at 8:13 am

[…] Do not contribute to PBS […]

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