And that is a quote. Here is the text of my email to him.  If you want a tech website that has a little more meat on its bones and actually shows some skepticism in regards junk science read    Its is pretty obvious Simon only wants your advertising dollars.  I was a long time reader of Spacedaily until  DailyTech is just so much better I have not been back to Spacedaily except to finally express my dislike of his overwhelming bias in favor of MMGW.

His “fuck off response” is about as deep as the arguments for MMGW.  

After original posting he got back to me with a 3 word response.  Simple Simon does not have a sense of humor does he?

Since Simon commented below I thought I would facilitate his recovery by making it easy for him to find the description of his syndrome:  NJF Liberal MMGW 


fuck off creep

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 7:08 AM, <> wrote:  

I published my email and your response in my blog.  You should be able to google it
in about 2 hours. 


—– Original Message —–   

Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2008 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: advertising on SpaceDaily
fuck off  

On Sat, Mar 22, 2008 at 11:11 PM, wrote:
I was thinking about advertising on SpaceDaily but you people only show the PRO side
of the MMGW debate.  There is in fact quite a burgeoning side of that debate that is
doing a good job of debunking MMGW ( man made global warming )

Thus I have for now decided to go with
….they seem to be more balanced and more technical than your articles. Your reader
base probably is not as critical a thinker as theirs.

Yours Truly
Fred X  







Simon Mansfield MonsterID Icon Simon Mansfield · March 22, 2008 at 1:17 pm

You come into our email work space – accuse us of bias and threaten economic sanctions against us for not being your mouthpiece.

Yes mate you can fuck off into your little conspiratorial world of hate and rage against the rest of the world for not being you.

Simon Mansfield MonsterID Icon Simon Mansfield · March 22, 2008 at 1:33 pm

And you hide behind a private domain listing. You really are one of those wacko conspiracy nuts, thinking everyone is out to you. A shrink could have you wrapped in seconds.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · March 23, 2008 at 8:43 am

It seems Simon is concerned about who I am. Ah well its not material in this particular case. I’m not the one putting out endless propaganda in favor of MMGW. I’m quite transparent in my expressions that I think its a con game. My stuff is all propagated as opinion pieces. Loud and clear. Simon promulgates MMGW positions by vignetting the truth. That is to say he frames the photo by cutting out any anti MMGW stories from his efforts. And oh by the way Simon I don’t hate you or anyone. I’m an engineer. Hate is an innefficiency to be eliminated. Just like MMGW it serves no useful purpose other than to those you allow the emotion to be expressed against. But then I over explain. You’re clearly expressing your hate. You show all the signs of NJF syndrome. In case you’re wondering I’ve explained NJF in detail. Go read it. Its your first step in recovery! LOL  …..and by the way…should it ever be germaine you can be sure you’ll have my relevant personal information. 

MA MonsterID Icon MA · August 31, 2008 at 7:44 am

Simon, well played. I wish more people would tell the deniers exactly what they are and where to go.

‘webmaster’, you’re confusing propaganda with science. Every national science academy of every major industrialised country on the planet confirms recent climate change is due to human activity. That’s science.

The propaganda and lies come from the denial crowd, funded by Exxon (amongst others) and fuelled by greed and political ideology. Only delusion and idiocy can prevent people from seeing that. AGW deniers are no different to creationists, 9/11 truthers, moon hoaxers and flat earthers.

webmaster MonsterID Icon webmaster · August 31, 2008 at 9:32 am

Yah right Ma…try saying anything Simon disagrees with and you’ll find out how wrong you are. Try an experiment:

-1- tell your MMGW religion adherent true believers that you do not believe in MMGW

-2- tell your conservative friends who normally do not believe in MMGW that you do believe in MMGW

See who treats you better. Your MMGW friend will harangue and possibly disown you. Your conservative friend will shake his head like he things you inhaled a whippet but will still be your friend. This is pretty obvious if you read any liberal blogs. These lib socialist greens are out of control Stalinists.

We deniers with engineering degrees who have actually done finite element analysis and actually understand that not only is the science of global warming junk but the MATH is too! Accumulated errors ( integral error ) kill the models as viable. The only way I could ever believe in global warming is to go and hand in both my engineering degrees in trade for liberal arts degrees so I could be like most of the followers of MMGW.

I would also need to trade in the part of my brain that understands math so well. Math is more or less a guy thing so its easy to understand why liberals don’t understand it very well. Liberalism uses nonlogical thought patterns. Well I understand the math like you liberals understand lying for political gain. And what my understanding tells me is MMGW is a full on fraud as are most liberals.

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