Take a look at the border invasion videos and pictures here: http://borderinvasionpics.com .  An example is below:

….nothing short of shocking.   Due to the numbers of Mexicans coming across the border the U.S. Government has made it very hard to get a visa from any number of other countries.  Personally my favorite country is Brazil.  I think we should let more Brazilians come to the USA for a variety of reasons.   Is it fair their immigration quotas have been usurped by law breaking Mexicans walking across the border?    And if diversity is a strength would it not make much more sense if we drastically reduced the numbers of Mexicans coming to the USA and allowed immigrants to come from any country but Mexico ?   That would be true diversity. 

The reason why this invasion is being tolerated is that the democrats know Mexicans by and large vote democrat.  If they voted republican the government would have machine gun pill boxes built on the border and be mowing them down.

How about shutting the border and allowing some immigrants from any country OTHER THAN Mexico. Preferably engineers and not lawyers.  That is if we ever want to build anything in the USA again. 

Here is an idea.  Let anyone with an engineering degree from a real university come to the United States.  I can guarantee you crime rates will be lower among this population.  Their intelligence levels are guaranteed to be above normal.  Thus we will be getting a person that will with high probability contribute to our society.  Oops I forgot.  engineers vote predominantly conservative.   Thus it will never happen.   I guess I have made my point.  

Meanwhile our government wants to take 5 acres of a family farm that is on the Canadian border and spend half a billion dollars to make a more secure border crossing.  Our government is a joke.  The idiocy continues:  Amish dairy farms are being raided for suspicion of selling raw milk across state lines while the US government allows importation of Mexican dairy products. 

It is all about the pay offs whether it is the votes or the money.

Categories: Politics

1 Comment

phxmarker MonsterID Icon phxmarker · May 20, 2010 at 6:26 am

Already covered on Coast to Coast years ago. This is old news.

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